Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Six Months! (Warning: Photo Overload)

In the last week and a half, Finn has learned:

-- to sit up unsupported. (Look! No hands!)
-- to pull up to standing. (Not a whole lot yet, but he can do it!)
-- to stand up for a few seconds on his own.
-- to clap! (A couple of mornings ago, he started clapping before he even woke up. Imagine this kid, lying there with his eyes closed, clapping.)
-- to push up into a downward facing dog yoga pose. (Maybe he'll bear crawl instead of crawling?)

It was like, in one week, he learned he could MOVE! And clap! And be a little joker. He's a lot less frustrated now that he feels like he can get around. (But we're in trouble... He just doesn't quit moving.)

He loves animals so much. We just might have, sort of, taken in a new kitten, and those two are like peas in a pod.

I can't believe how much personality has shown up in Finn in the last couple of weeks. It's really amazing how fast they learn and grow. He responds to his name, and he responds to the words "kick," "clap," and "bounce" (among others).

*Six Month Horseshoe Onesie by Margaret Quiggle Grantham!

Friday, July 13, 2012

A Video Where Nothing Really Happens

What's this whole point of this video, where nothing really happens, you ask?

Since Finn thinks it's hilarious -- then hellaciously scary -- to stick his chunky thighs through the spindles of his crib, I felt it necessary to hunt down some bumper pads.  Yes, I know the risk of SIDS related to bumper pads, but I've waited until the kid is super strong and mobile to get them.

SCORE: $2 bumper pads from Salvation Army that are actually pretty stinkin' cute. Firetrucks, cars, traffic lights, that kinda theme. Matches his nursery pretty well. (The fake printed denim on the back side is less than desirable, but whatever. $2.)

So last night Finn tried out 'em out. He loved the trucks.

And, apparently, he loved to use them to climb up on.

So consequently, last night was also Finn's first night with the lowered crib mattress.

And consequently, I captured the moment in this riotous video.

He played and played, sitting up, with his Baby Einstein music maker and his kangaroo. After about 20 minutes, he was asleep. Not a whimper!

I'll tell you, he is one happy kiddo, and I'm so thankful for that!

So yes, here's a video where nothing really happens and that, my friend, is glorious.

(Sorry the video is dark, but I wasn't about to turn on a light at that point.)