Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Little Dragon (cont'd)

Happy Halloween!

Finn with cousin Isaiah the Parrot

On the go

Finn with Mama Jo and me (He liked waving his claws.)


"I don't know about that singin' gorilla, Mama."

Poking cousin Holt the Frog in the eye.

Rawrr, again. With Grandmommie, Grandaddy, and Pop
Our little dragon did great and loved his first Halloween. He especially loved the animal crackers that his Grandmommie gave him!

Wish we could've seen everybody, but I hope these photos will suffice!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

To Sara

A clever (if I do say so myself) metaphor for dating:

[Inner Dialogue whilst scanning through the radio stations on my way home from work]

Eh, this song is pretty good. Better than nothing, I guess.

-- 15 seconds of listening to said song --

Yeah, it's okay. 

-- 5 more seconds of listening to said song --

I wonder if there's anything better on, though.

-- Hit scan button once. Very next station plays:

I'm not saying always look for something better. I'm saying don't settle for "okay" in a world where "Dancing Days" is playing.

Today I'm thankful for: Sara's post (which made me grateful and humbled by the undeserving love and joy in my life.)

Monday, October 15, 2012

Mares Eat Oats, and Does Eat Oats... But I Don't!

The weekend snuck past me! Funny how the weekends fly by these days and the weekdays -- well, they fly by, too.

I'll make up for missing posts on Saturday and Sunday by listing three things I'm grateful for here.

1. A pantry and fridge full of HEALTHY foods. And the money to buy them. I started follow the Paleo diet again yesterday, and I already feel better. It's really amazing to me how fast my digestive issues go away when I eat what I should be eating (or more importantly, not eating what I know I shouldn't be eating.) So I'm not eating grains, dairy, sugar, or excessive carbs of any kind. I don't feel bloated or gassy or tired or depressed. It's a lifestyle I hope to totally adopt, but for now I'm taking baby steps and committing to two full weeks of Paleo.

2. The ability to SAVE money for once. Now that we have two incomes, we can actually pay down our debt and save a little bit for our move in April. This is huge for me. Huge.

3. Alpacas, goats, mini cows, llamas, bunnies, and sheep. We went to Ole McDermitt's Farm and pumpkin patch yesterday, and while Finn was so exhausted he could barely keep his eyes open, I found it quite the rush to feed carrots to the llama with enormous teeth.

via PuffinArt on Flickr

Friday, October 12, 2012


"Good morning!" texts from Mr. Barnes, first thing when I wake up in the morning, have to be one of the absolute best things ever.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Gee's Bend

For my mom's birthday in August, we gave her a little overnight trip. So last night, my mom, Finn, and I drove to Selma, Alabama, stayed there overnight, got up this morning, and headed to a place called Gee's Bend in Boykin, Alabama.

Gee's Bend is a community in (very) rural Alabama where women quilt in a very distinct way. Here's an example:

And this one is my mama's favorite:

Aren't they cool? So graphic and different. I love them.

You can listen to or read a feature on Gee's Bend on here.

We drove to what really felt like the middle of nowhere. It was kind of awesome and intriguing but also disarming/freaky to me. There weren't houses or stores or anything for stretches of about 15-20 miles. Then there would be a cluster of houses or mobile homes, and then nothing for miles. It was beautiful countryside though with poplars (I think) and spanish moss.

We didn't know what to expect when we got there, but we finally found the Gee's Bend Quilter's Collective -- a little white building that must've been a church initially. And the door was locked. No sign of anybody.

Guess word of a visitor floated through the town quickly though, because shortly after we got there, a lady drove up and let us in. She was a black woman, probably in her 80s, who took an immediate likin' to Finn. She was so fun to talk to -- so friendly -- and if the sole reason we went was to meet her, it was worth it.

We bought small wall hangings and potholders that the quilters had made (which was about all we could afford -- their quilts are art. And justifiably pricey.)

Here's a photo of Finn outside the Quilter's Collective. Preview of the Nine Month Onesie!

We had an interesting day, and I'm so glad we got to spend it with "Nana."

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


I'm not ashamed to say that we get W.I.C. vouchers every month for Finn's formula and baby food. Today we had to go to a class which I thought would be about nutrition for babies and children. But it turned out to be about 30 minutes of guided conversations about how to enjoy your children.

I don't have trouble enjoying my child, and it was clear that the other parents in the room don't have trouble enjoying their children either. Teenage moms, a single (and very young) father, and I all sat around a table and discussed what we do with our children that's fun.

It was that simple. I can't say it's convenient to hold a squirming nine month old that long, but I walked away with the belief that, as hectic and chaotic and stressful as parenting can be, most of us enjoy it and would never take it back.

It was a reassuring assessment of humanity, I tell ya.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Lunches with Pop

Finn and I try to meet my dad for lunch about once a week. Today we tried out Max and Henry's on the Carrollton Square, and it was just like eating at the old 302 South Street from about 20 years ago. Funny how certain tastes and smells take you back so quickly and easily.

Finn and I really enjoy getting to see and spend time with his "Pop" on those days. And today Finn got to eat Pop's french fries!

Monday, October 8, 2012

This 31 days of gratitude thing is coming in handy today. All I want to do is wallow in the suckage since Zeb just left to head back to training in south Georgia. (I mean, rip my stinkin' heart out, why dontcha.)

But I have to think of something to be grateful for during the suckage, and I've come up with this: I really like to be around my husband. I mean, I really, really like him. If I wasn't married to him, I'd have a major crush on him. Thank goodness it doesn't have to just be a crush -- I get to be married to him.

I'm so fortunate to have the love of somebody so exceptional.

And dang, I miss him so much when he's not around.

Sunday, October 7, 2012


The weather today actually feels like Fall! I love it. This is, by far, my favorite time of year. And today I'm very grateful to be spending this wonderful weather working on projects outside with Zeb.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Nine Months!

Today I am so, so thankful for our little fella, Finn. He's nine months old today!

Photos coming soon!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Pike Place Roast

It's the simple things, friends. And today, I was wholly thankful to get my mitts on a grande Pike Place Roast drip coffee (black) from Starbucks.

I was also extremely thankful to have a baby that snoozed during the whole two hour drive back to our home from visiting Genevieve and Lucy north of Atlanta. (Every once in a while Finn would snore/snort, and I was reminded that, yes, that was definitely my kid sitting in the seat behind me.)

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


I'm thankful for my good friend Genevieve! And that Finn got to meet her today.

(I tried to get a picture, but she wasn't having it... )

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Last night, I was lying in bed, listening to silence. And I thought of how wonderful the sense of hearing is.

While Zeb's away, I'm slightly paranoid about being the sole protector of this home/Finn/myself. I've never been much of a scaredy cat, but now we live a little more "out there" than I've ever been, and I have more at stake than I ever have.

Zeb's a light sleeper. I guess all of those years of sleeping in a bush/sniper hide make him a little more aware of his surrounding while he's asleep or something. So for the last two years, I've slept like a rock, and he's heard every noise.

Me? Most of you know that I once lived in an apartment that was directly above about five active train tracks, and I still slept peacefully every night.

However, now -- you drop a pin in my home while I'm asleep, and I'm hunting you down for it. Mama Bear comes out swinging (and depending on the level of threat I gauge from the sound, I might be carrying my Smith and Wesson with me).

So. My point is...

I was lying there last night thinking that if I couldn't hear, I would never shut my eyes. I would watch Finn like a crazy lady while he slept. And I would never sleep myself.  So I'm thankful for sounds and that I have the ability to hear them.

(Hmm, this post turned out to be a little twisted. Maybe I should've talked about all the lovely sounds that I'm thankful for instead. Nah. Honesty.)

Monday, October 1, 2012

31 Days of Gratitude

It's been done a thousand times on blogs the world over. I'm not trying to be original; I'm trying to be grateful.

This month, I am committing to write a blog post every single day to state what I'm thankful for. Some/most days might be a short little sentence about something that particularly struck me for which I am grateful.

I'll start this month and this theme off with a link to a blog post by a close friend about the topic of gratitude. I'm so glad I read it, and I'm so glad he wrote it.

Thanks, Curt.

The Thing About Flying: When Things Go Right