Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Last night, I was lying in bed, listening to silence. And I thought of how wonderful the sense of hearing is.

While Zeb's away, I'm slightly paranoid about being the sole protector of this home/Finn/myself. I've never been much of a scaredy cat, but now we live a little more "out there" than I've ever been, and I have more at stake than I ever have.

Zeb's a light sleeper. I guess all of those years of sleeping in a bush/sniper hide make him a little more aware of his surrounding while he's asleep or something. So for the last two years, I've slept like a rock, and he's heard every noise.

Me? Most of you know that I once lived in an apartment that was directly above about five active train tracks, and I still slept peacefully every night.

However, now -- you drop a pin in my home while I'm asleep, and I'm hunting you down for it. Mama Bear comes out swinging (and depending on the level of threat I gauge from the sound, I might be carrying my Smith and Wesson with me).

So. My point is...

I was lying there last night thinking that if I couldn't hear, I would never shut my eyes. I would watch Finn like a crazy lady while he slept. And I would never sleep myself.  So I'm thankful for sounds and that I have the ability to hear them.

(Hmm, this post turned out to be a little twisted. Maybe I should've talked about all the lovely sounds that I'm thankful for instead. Nah. Honesty.)


  1. I'm glad it was a different twist to the sense of sound. I liked it! I also laughed a little to myself at the image of you being a crazy lady and watching Finn while he sleeps. I dunno, Lauren -- something's really funny about you being crazy. Weird? Maybe. Honest? Definitely. :)

    Maybe it's because I can imagine your high-pitched panicky scream voice you have. You know the one. :)

  2. Yeah, I know the one. The one you heard when you taped streamers to the outside my bedroom door (which flew at me as I opened the door). On my birthday.

    Oh man. :)

  3. Once you are a mama, your sleep changes. You hear every little sound because you are listening, even in your sleep, for your little fella if he needs you.
    I'm thankful for my sense of hearing too, even though it's not as good as it once was. This morning, I opened the back door while I sewed on a quilt and listened to the sound of songbirds singing in the maple trees. Night sounds are soothing too, like the sound of crickets.
