Monday, August 27, 2012

Seven Months (and counting... )

So... I need to post these before Finn is 8 months old next week. (Yeesh.) But we had a rough time of it with this photo shoot. Not a smile was cracked. Not a laugh was chuckled. 

Yes, it was right before nap time, and yes, I kept thinking I'd shoot them again. But you know, busy doesn't even begin to describe life with a super active seven- (almost eight-) month-old. Man, I thought I'd experienced enough as a nanny to know what it would be like to have a kid, but no. No, I was mistaken.

So I give you, the Seven Month Photos. All five of the ones that were halfway decent. 

This month, Finn:

-- has learned to wave and say, "Hey!" I kid you not. I know he's mimicking us/me (Most likely me, since it's a higher pitched and Southern accented "hey."), but it's clear as day and consistent. He says "hey" to the baby in the mirror, to Daddy in the morning, or to a toy he hasn't seen in a while.

-- is pulling up, holding on one-handed, and pivoting. He's starting to "cruise" (walk while holding onto something) but not consistently.

-- is learning that Mama and Daddy mean business at bedtime. (We're working on it. Feel free to give me any advice on that subject.)

-- has a new upper, front tooth!

-- loves going for long walks in his stroller. If Cheerios and/or Puffs are involved.

-- ate a hairball that I neglected to find while sweeping. Yes. If anybody wants to donate a Roomba to me, I'll take it.

-- does NOT like to be confined. In his jumper. In his high chair. In his crib. Even in his spacious playroom. Luckily, he loves the stroller and car seat (if they're moving).

But... the previous photo shoot was followed by a pretty good nap (and another photo shoot unbeknownst to Finn).

* Rubber Duckie Onesie by Margaret Quiggle Grantham.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Resurrection of Creativity?

I'm working on creating a post for all of the 7 month photos (Better late than never?), but I really needed some hands-on creativity (which means, hands off the keyboard). (Yes, I understand the irony of the situation since I am now typing.)

So I give you...

... my hallway creation!

I know that moss letters may have become overused in the age of Pinterest, but we made these at my Bachelorette Party before Zeb's and my wedding. I distinctly remember Sara spending quite a while getting every piece of moss perfect. And it's stayed that way!

I really enjoyed putting this all together.

A photo worthy of Pinterest?

Monday, August 20, 2012

Beach Bums

We went to St. Augustine about a month ago with Zeb's family. We had so much fun! (But I only took a few photos... )