Sunday, June 9, 2013

Finn's First Camping Trip

We had a great time, and Finn did great. He didn't want to go to sleep Friday night, but he slept through the night. And he loved running around and picking up pinecones, sticks and rocks. He was one dirty, sleepy kiddo by the time we got home.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

17 Months!

Wow. Really. Where does time GO?

Today, Finn is 17 months old. I can't believe it. It's bittersweet, I tell ya.


-- runs and twirls like a mad man.
-- says "bless you!" after anyone (including himself) sneezes.
-- says "the end! bye book!" when we finish reading a book.
-- is enthralled, ENTHRALLED, by sticks, rocks, bark, all those outdoor things.
-- stands on Franklin to reach things.
-- thinks my colander is a hat.
-- loves nothing more than to be on Zeb's shoulders or in the hiking backpack walking through the woods exploring.
-- is 75% in height for his age and 50% for weight.
-- has all of his chompers except for the last set of molars.
-- likes to rip my little herb plants out of their pots by the roots.
-- mimics almost everything we say. Even if he's hesitant about it.

Words he says:
-- Bye!
-- Hey, Mama! Hey, Daddy!
-- Thank you!
-- Please!
-- Welcome!
-- Daddy work.
-- Raccoon
-- Bear
-- Horse
-- Fish
-- Duck
-- A COW!
-- Deer
-- Fork (which doesn't sound a lot like fork)
-- Bowl
-- Spoon
-- Crackers
-- 'Nana (for banana)
-- Nana (for my mom)
-- Mema (for Zeb's mom)
-- Pop (for my dad)
-- Papa (for Zeb's dad)
-- Hey, Brek! (My parents' dog)
-- Ah-chey (for Aunt Rachel)
-- Duck (for Luke)
-- Selah
-- George (for the Curious George that Luke gave him)
-- Elmo (relentlessly)
-- Milk
-- Cup
-- Meat
-- Cheese
-- No, no! (He gets onto himself when he knows he's doing something wrong.)
-- Wawa (for water)

These are what I can think of right now, but he pretty much makes an attempt to say everything. Whether it's understandable or not.

I'm thankful for him every single day.