Thursday, June 6, 2013

17 Months!

Wow. Really. Where does time GO?

Today, Finn is 17 months old. I can't believe it. It's bittersweet, I tell ya.


-- runs and twirls like a mad man.
-- says "bless you!" after anyone (including himself) sneezes.
-- says "the end! bye book!" when we finish reading a book.
-- is enthralled, ENTHRALLED, by sticks, rocks, bark, all those outdoor things.
-- stands on Franklin to reach things.
-- thinks my colander is a hat.
-- loves nothing more than to be on Zeb's shoulders or in the hiking backpack walking through the woods exploring.
-- is 75% in height for his age and 50% for weight.
-- has all of his chompers except for the last set of molars.
-- likes to rip my little herb plants out of their pots by the roots.
-- mimics almost everything we say. Even if he's hesitant about it.

Words he says:
-- Bye!
-- Hey, Mama! Hey, Daddy!
-- Thank you!
-- Please!
-- Welcome!
-- Daddy work.
-- Raccoon
-- Bear
-- Horse
-- Fish
-- Duck
-- A COW!
-- Deer
-- Fork (which doesn't sound a lot like fork)
-- Bowl
-- Spoon
-- Crackers
-- 'Nana (for banana)
-- Nana (for my mom)
-- Mema (for Zeb's mom)
-- Pop (for my dad)
-- Papa (for Zeb's dad)
-- Hey, Brek! (My parents' dog)
-- Ah-chey (for Aunt Rachel)
-- Duck (for Luke)
-- Selah
-- George (for the Curious George that Luke gave him)
-- Elmo (relentlessly)
-- Milk
-- Cup
-- Meat
-- Cheese
-- No, no! (He gets onto himself when he knows he's doing something wrong.)
-- Wawa (for water)

These are what I can think of right now, but he pretty much makes an attempt to say everything. Whether it's understandable or not.

I'm thankful for him every single day.

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