Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Here's to... Tuesday!

("Whatchoo talkin' 'bout?") 

Wrote this in my head on my morning drive:
  • Glorious victory: reaching your hand stealthily into a dark closet and immediately finding the item of clothing you were hoping to find. Without waking your sleeping baby and husband.
  • I like to use my husband's manly smelling body wash more than my own girly one.
  • I'm wearing a pair of my non-pregnant pants today (that are in my pre-pregnancy size). A small victory. So disregard my muffin-top and the clearly visible dimples in my butt because of their tightness. That cellulite is temporary. I will prevail.
  • It took a shoe-horn, elbow grease, and a lot of willpower to get into said pants. 
  • Said pants are linen. I am also wearing sandals. Yes, before Easter. It's going to be 86 degrees today. Get at me, fashion rules.
  • I feel like an older, sophisticated world traveler lady today. Leather Tevas, linen pants, white button-up shirt. Next stop: leather fanny pack!
  • I have turned into my mom. I ironed my clothes this morning in my undies. I never iron. And my mom always irons in her undies and hopes nobody catches her unawares. I am an adult. At least I wasn't wearing my undies AND socks at that point. 
  • There is absolutely nothing more astonishing, awesome, and satisfying than listening to your baby "talk" to you while you're lying there beside him. Or when he wakes up in the morning, sees you, and smiles. Melt my heart, little friend. Melt my heart.

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