Sunday, September 9, 2012

Eight Months!

Geez, our kiddo is eight months old already! Time flies, my friends.

We enjoyed the beautiful weather today with an outdoor photo shoot.

Here are some photos!

Finn was having fun today, so I got some pretty good shots of him -- couldn't decide which ones to post!

Let's talk about this month's Acorns and Squirrel Onesie by Margaret. Definitely my favorite, MQG! I absolutely love it.

Since the last time I posted, Finn:

-- has bedtime figured out! Tonight he didn't even cry when I put him to bed, and he's been sleeping through the night for a while now. (Hallelujah.) The trick? Routine, routine, routine. (Dinner, bathtime, bedtime.) And lots of the "Crying It Out" technique which darn near ripped my heart out for a couple of nights. But it was worth it! Now we're all happier and more well-rested.

-- got a new tooth! He now has four teeth -- two on top, two on bottom.

-- grinds those new teeth together. All the time. Like nails on a chalkboard.

-- makes a silly grin. It's a hammy, teeth-showing, eyes-squinting grin that cracks me up. His humor and personality is really starting to show up!

-- is eating more and more real food. He's getting tired of the ol' pureed stuff. He wants to chew with those new teeth. Tonight's new food: broccoli. He's a fan (like his mama).

-- is so close to standing up by himself. He does every now and then, then thinks about what he's doing, and sits down.

He's such a fun little guy, and we love him so much! So thankful for that fella.


  1. yay! i love these! looks like the onesie wasn't too large after all, that's a relief!

  2. Yeah, it fit him perfectly. I really love this one!

  3. What a wonderful day shooting these photos! Finn's fun little personality adds much joy and love to our lives. You and Zeb are doing a great job as parents. We are proud of you all three.
