Monday, June 11, 2012

Five Months!

Our little buddy is five months old! Dang, time flies when you have a little one, because they change so quickly at this age. Only knowing this little guy for five months, though, seems like so little. Feels like I've known him forever.

In the last month, Finn:

-- has gotten two little teeth on the bottom. (He's had them for almost a month now.)

-- can almost sit up unsupported. But his toes... look... so... tasty that he usually topples over while trying to eat them.

-- is starting to scoot backwards. Won't be long and this dude's gonna be crawling. (Lord, help us.)

-- is an active little howler monkey. He climbs and squeals and laughs. He's non-stop, I tell ya. Non-stop.

-- is eating stuff like baby cereal, some of the first vegetable baby foods, and bananas. That boy loves bananas.

-- LOVES Baby Einstein videos. (Such a lifesaver when I need 20 minutes to cook dinner/take a shower/sweep the floor, etc.)

-- reaches for people when he wants them to pick him up.

-- grabs for cell phones, remote controls, computers, you name it. Might have a techie on our hands.

Yesterday was a good, lazy, rainy Sunday in our household. Zeb made blueberry waffles and my brother Tyler came over for breakfast. After he left, we all had an afternoon snooze. Finn and I woke up at about the same time, and he was my little snuggle bunny on the couch while we watched a documentary on Italy.

*I didn't realize what a little redhead we have until I saw these pictures! 
** Five month Onesie made by Margaret Quiggle Grantham.


  1. You must have some Scottish ancestry as well, or hubby does. What a cutie pie! I can't believe you have one that old either. Congratulations Lauren!
    Good luck on genealogy search! I have an account as well. Love YOU Cathy Snow

  2. Thanks, Cathy! Yep, we're both mostly of Scotch-Irish descent. 'Bout 90% on each side, I think. Still have to map that Barnes family!
