At 40 and a half weeks pregnant, I'm a captive audience.
I've kept fairly busy these last few weeks. I've finished at work. I've nested. I've done yoga and walked. We've had Christmas get-togethers at our house.
But now, I'm resting -- got my feet propped up -- and I've become a captive audience. Mostly to the internet and to my own thoughts. Figured it was time I combine the two and create a new blog to chronicle the new life we're about to bring home. Eventually. One day.
Throughout the whole pregnancy, I'd wanted to do everything naturally. But it's amazing how, at 40 weeks, when my doctor mentioned induction, I jumped at the opportunity. I just can't wait to see this kiddo's face. And get my body back to a normal girth. And be able to move without grunting.
The last couple of days have been interesting. On Sunday, New Year's night, we were admitted to the hospital for a routine labor induction. January 1st was my actual due date, and my doctor had concerns about me going much past my due date because of a history of large babies (and babies' noggins) that runs in my family. Regardless, the doctors in this practice only let you go one week overdue, so I thought we could go ahead and get on with it.
The long and short of it? Induction: FAIL.
After taking Cervidil overnight, and Pitocin for 9 hours yesterday, we're back where we started. We were sent home empty-handed last night -- baby still in belly. I can't tell you the disappointment I felt when we left the hospital last night without a little boy in the car seat.
But Zeb, my husband, pointed out the positives of the situation. And there are a TON of positives. Our little boy maintained a strong, consistent heart-rate throughout the whole deal, and while we aren't able to hold him in our arms quite yet, he's still happily snuggling in my enormous belly. He's
I've also realized that I can handle labor. Fear of the unknown is the absolute worst, and now I know labor well. I'm not scared or even nervous any more. I'm ready.
My family and Zeb's family were there non-stop, and several times, I thought of how grateful I was to have such a support system ready to greet our kiddo when he got there. Such awesome, caring people.
But to get all mushy, the strongest realization I had last night was how thankful I am for Zeb. We were on the same wave-length all day, and when a contraction hit, he knew exactly what I needed every time. He's a quiet, calm comfort to me, and I'm so glad to have him.
All in all, we're thinking of yesterday as a practice run.
And it's inevitable. This baby's gotta come out one way or another. We'll just be as patient as possible until he does!