Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Finn's Room

Wanted to share some before and after photos of the nursery we've got set up for Little Finn when he gets here.


(We used this room to store mostly my junk.)


The namesakes of this blog: Zeb's grandpa's fiddle (with a rattlesnake rattle inside it) and the fox hide under the baby shoes. (Not to worry -- we didn't kill the fox ourselves. He was an unfortunate victim of vehicular homicide when Zeb found him.)


The Dick and Jane illustrations are from Zeb's mom's old reader. The London telephone booth bank was a gift to me a few years ago from my good friend, Genevieve.

The Etsy Wall (below):

Mobile from Mere1975 (Mere Designs)
Karmann Ghia drawing from ChristineBerrie
Blocks from LemonSunCat

I know I'll have to childproof the room when Finn starts crawling, but for now I love the look of the white deer antler on the white table with the yellow lamp.

There are a few paint touch-ups needed on the chest-of-drawers, but you get the idea. (This is the same chest-of-drawers from the first photo.)

Love this old footrest. Got it a few years ago at Goodwill for $7. The blanket was a shower gift.

This happens to be Franklin's favorite room (rug) in the house. Wonder if it will still be his safe-haven when there's a crying baby in that crib...

Wilbur is Zeb's duck. He once made a road-trip as a passenger with Zeb (from Maryland to southern Florida) in the red Karmann Ghia immortalized by Christine Berrie above.

The Indian girl in the windowsill was mine as a kid. And the Mickey Mouse on the bike was Zeb's.

Got this little cane-bottom chair from Feathers and Twigs in Carrollton.

We're borrowing the rocking chair from Zeb's parents. The little gingham blanket on the back of the chair was made and given to us by Zeb's grandmother. Curtains were a hand-me-down from my pal, MQ.

Our crib was a gift from Zeb's parents (LOVE IT.), and the quilt on the bed was made by my mom. She and I had fun picking out the batiks for it together. Love this little bed and can't wait to see my baby boy in it.

I had so much fun using mostly found, cheap, or hand-me-down items for our nursery. A limited decorating budget turned out to be a fun little obstacle.

And of course, there is no way we could give Finn the welcome we'll be able to without the gifts and support of all of our family and friends. You all have been incredibly generous, and we're so grateful.


  1. i love it! did zeb really skin that fox himself?

  2. Oh, man. You know how I feel about the shoes. And I also really like the Dick and Jane pictures. You could probably sell that idea, you know.
